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The United States of north America imperialism, Roots, First Steps, Texas war, Anglo-Spanish war.

 A BRIEF SUMMARY OF  THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'S IMPERIALISM.  INSIDE NORTH AMERICA   The imperialistic influence of North America upon the “free” nations of the rest of the American continent, and all over the world, have some historical roots that we can trace back to the XVII, XVIII, and XIX centuries, there we can find the building of states, the growth of   some nations and decadence of some others. the geography of the whole globe, and particularly of America, change significantly while some countries were born and some others were absorbed, in each way, European influence transformed the meaning of so many concepts as peace, nation, justice, protection, help, diplomacy and others while its real power decreased in some parts of the world, leading to the emergence of new world powers, taking some breaths after each war they caused, they raised and fall so many times that distant and new nations, as Russia or the United States of Am...
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Discurso de Salvador Allende en la Universidad de Guadalajara

Salvador Allende en la universidad de Guadalajara 1972. Nikolaz Santiago Ortiz Martinez Licenciatura en Español - lenguas Departamento de Lenguas Facultad de humanidades                                                                                                             Universidad Pedagógica Nacional "Cuando me siento observado por el objetivo, todo cambia: me constituyo en el acto de "posar", me fabrico instantáneamente otro cuerpo, me transformo por adelantado en imagen."   Roland Barthes. Introducción: Este trabajo encuentra su base en analizar audio visualmente el discurso ofrecido por Salvador Allende en la universidad de Guadalajara, quien en su tiempo fuera pres...